Adriel Amoh

My journey I’m a fourth seat trainee, currently on a client secondment to Sky, and have previously sat within the Insurance Disputes, Real Estate and Corporate teams. Initially, I had wanted to become a journalist, but after taking part in internships I decided that journalism wasn’t for me. While studying for my A levels, I attended a workshop centred on different career paths in law. I was excited by the prospect of a career in commercial law; particularly the opportunity to work on ground-breaking deals for major clients. So, I took a more traditional route into the subject, studying law at Brunel University.

My future focus

I am currently most excited about technological innovation across the board and how it will influence and alter the way in which both we, and our clients, work. I recently joined the Digital Assets & Block Chain Interest Group at Hebert Smith Freehills, which allows me to keep up to date with the latest developments in this space. Having such an initiative at the firm is crucial in terms of insuring that we retain our leading position in the market.
My difference While at university, I attended HSF’s Multiculturalism in the City event. Not only did I see ethnic diversity, I found that the individuals at the firm were diverse in terms of perspective and experiences. I was also fortunate to be paired with a mentor through a university scheme. They were able to give me an insight into the legal profession and I’m conscious that most young people from a similar background to myself don’t have this luxury.

That’s why I’m passionate about encouraging those from similar background to pursue a career in law. I want to be a role model and set an example. I believe visibility is crucial in terms of shaping individuals' perceptions of what can be achieved. After all, it’s that visibility that encouraged me that HSF would be a firm that allowed me to bring my genuine self to work every day and feel comfortable doing so.

​​​​​​​The firm is clearly aligned with these principles. In fact, I’m due to take part in the PRIME mentorship scheme soon, which involves providing a week’s work experience to students from underrepresented backgrounds. This is followed by one-to-one mentoring over the subsequent academic year.

My view

I feel empowered to tackle these issues because I’m working among some of the brightest lawyers in the City. The teams I’ve sat in so far are market leaders in their respective sectors, so I know I’m receiving the best training possible. I’ve found that more senior colleagues, including partners, are willing to take the time to invest in trainees’ development by answering questions and explaining concepts.

For example, I assisted two partners with the review of a settlement agreement. It was between insurers and one of our clients, in respect of our client’s claim under its insurance policy. I raised several potential issues with the drafting of the settlement agreement – on the basis that it didn’t align with our model form in a number of places. After reviewing it, one of the partners offered to run through each of the points I’d flagged, to explain nuances in insurance settlement agreements. This is an area which I hadn’t engaged with previously and it meant that we were able to accept and disregard some of the points raised. Similarly, while in Real Estate, I was often trusted to undertake associate-level work. I was often the main port of call internally, in terms of the progression of the transaction, as well as the main liaison with the client. I also lead the due diligence exercise in relation to our clients' lease of an office building. Tasks like these, of course, give rise to further questions and senior colleagues are always happy to offer guidance and support.

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